Ted Partin is a photographer who's images appeal to me in many different ways. The first way is through his use of light and highlighting his subjects. He has terrific contrast in many of his photographs, yet is still able to find a balance between harsh shadows that juxtapose the soft lighting. The faces of his subjects are lit softly which helps generate a gentle, more intimate image.
As many photographers, Ted Partin chooses to shoot humans and the human nature. He captures people in natural poses and encompasses a youthful and intimate connotations within his images. Ted Partin's images are emotion-filled and raw, sometimes literally (in the nude). The naturalistic quality of the photographs infused with emotion created a very appealing photograph in my opinion. There are many photographs that look pretty, but they lack a concept or a story. Ted Partin's photographs evoke emotions within the viewers, as they resemble many "scenes" from our own life and memories. These photographs also present emotions and a story, either suggested or unknown, that is unique to the people or Ted Partin himself.
Although many of Ted Partin's images strike me, there were three in particular that I found most appealing to my own interests. The first is and image of a girl from his Gaze series. This image is striking to me first because of the stark black blouse the female is wearing. The photograph has a large range of hues however the deep black makes the contrast seem slightly more dramatic. The concept of this series was to capture one's gaze, a moment in time where "you almost transfer part of yourself and your energy onto something else" (http://www.lifelounge.com.au/photography/news/ted-partin-photographs-the-gaze.aspx). Capturing this moment creates an eerie, mystifying, yet beautiful facial expression and tone. The person almost appears lifeless, however the image also has a slightly sensual feeling in both the subject and the curving, smooth lines that repeat in the girls hair, the pillow creases and the pattern.
This next image appeals to me also because of the emotion embedded within it. There is also a sensual, innocent tone. The emotions are raw and it is a scene or action that many people can relate to and have memories of. Because of this, the viewer becomes engaged and starts attaching personal emotions to the image as well, which I think adds another layer to the image.
Finally, this image struck me because it was different than the other images. I love the play of fabrics or other objects that have sheerness, cutouts or patterns. I like this because it adds complexity to the image as well as makes the viewer think more about that particular object. This image also has movement and curving lines that make the image feel sensual, but in a more concealed or innocent manner.
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